
Upcoming Events

Don't forget to sign up for the upcoming four (4) person scramble. The annual Shelby Rotary Club Scramble is open to any golfers, played in the regular scramble format, entry fee is $80.00 per person. This two day event is May 2nd, and May 3rd, pick your own tee time with it being the same for both days. Call the golf shop 231-861-4211 or email us oceanagolfclub@gmail.com to book your time today, Hurry because the times fill up fast. Also the 27 HOLE CHALLENGE is coming up even sooner April 25th. This is a 27 hole two person team event with each nine being played in a different format. The first nine is best ball, second nine played as a two person scramble, and the third nine is true alternate shot. Call for more details and to sign up. May 8th is the Annual Corporate Cup Adventure, this is a four person Scramble. Call John Ritchie at 231-873-2175 or the Oceana Golf Shop for more and to sign up. Check out the events page at http://www.oceanagolfclub.com/ for a complete list of events at "The Original" this season.

Volunteer help needed

Oceana Golf Club is looking for anyone interested in volunteering some time at the golf club. The list of items that need some TLC are but not limited to; Tree trimming, raking, brush cleanup, edging, flowerbed maintenance, general cleanup, painting, carpentry and fixer upper items. Anyone interested in helping in such a way can contact the golf course at 231-861-4211. Board member Tom Kirk will be heading up the assignment of duties so please call and leave a name, number and area of interest.


Oceana Golf Club named a 2008 Constant Contact All Star

Oceana Golf Club has been named a 2008 Constant Contact All Star for maintaining sound permission-based email marketing and list management best practices. To experience what being a VIP Member of Oceana Golf Club is all about, sign up on our website, www.oceanagolfclub.com.